Pothos oxyphyllus (Araceae)
Slender, homeophyllous, diffuse-branched root-climbing liane. Shoot system rather poorly differentiated into adherent, non-flowering and free lateral flowering branches, usually with considerable flagellate shoot growth; flowering shoot abbreviated, arising from below the leaf axil of a fully developed leaf, or from an older naked portion of stem, leafless except for subtending foliage leaf, with several small cataphylls; eocaul not observed; seedling shingle-leaved, then abruptly producing adult leaves. LEAVES thinly chartaceous, drying pale brownish green; petiole 2.5–3 cm long, slender, often sheathing stem with just the geniculum and blade spreading; sheath rather prominent, reaching to just below geniculum and extending by two very small ligules; blade 6–25 × 2–8 cm, oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, very lightly falcate, unequal, occasionally quite strongly so, base subacute to minutely truncate, apex falcate, acuminate to stoutly long-attenuate, briefly minutely apiculate; primary lateral veins arising at 80–90°, intramarginal veins 2 per side, the lowermost arising from the base, outer intramarginal vein remaining very close and parallel to margin; higher venation fine but very distinctly reticulate. INFLORESCENCE solitary, although shoots always reiterating and thus rarely two inflorescences at different stages of maturity may be present; peduncle 1.3–5 cm, rather slender, erect, green to purplegreen. Spathe 1.3–2.2 × 0.3–0.4 cm, oblong-ovate, reflexed, falling early in fruit development leaving only basal portion, base rounded, barely decurrent on the peduncle, apex obtuse, filamentous-mucronate, purple. Spadix sessile to very briefly stipitate; stipe 0–1.5 mm long; fertile portion 2.5–4 × 0.2–0.4 cm, cylindrical, straight to slightly curved, white. Flowers c. 1.5 mm diam., with 6 free tepals and 6 stamens. INFRUCTESCENCE with few berries; fruit 6–10 × 4–7 mm, ellipsoid, ripening deep red; seeds not observed.
Malesia: Sumatera, Peninsular Malaysia, Java. Much more common than the rather few collections might suggest.
Primary to slightly disturbed lowland to hill forest, almost always on inundated soils.