Pothos philippinensis (Araceae)
Somewhat robust, (heterophyllous?), root-climbing liane to 12 m. Shoot system well differentiated into adherent non-flowering and flowering free lateral branches; eocaul and seedling not observed. LEAVES stiffly chartaceous, drying dull greenish brown, midrib slightly paler; petiole 3–10.5 cm long, slender, sheath rather prominent, extending to just below geniculum, basally clasping, apically briefly ligulate; blade 6–26 × 2–9 cm, ovate to oblong elliptic or narrowly lanceolate, base rounded, rarely minutely truncate or cordate, apex acute to long-attenuate, falcate, apiculate; primary lateral veins arising at c. 45°, intramarginal veins 2 per side, the lowermost arising from the base, outer intramarginal vein remaining very close and parallel to margin. INFLORESCENCE solitary, terminal on a leafy shoot; peduncle (4.5–)8–12 × c. 0.2 cm, stout, nodding to deflexed. Spathe 5–10 × 1.5–2.5 cm, triangular, subcucullate, base clasping peduncle, apex long-acuminate, softly leathery. Spadix sessile but basally decurrent on spathe, 3–7 × 0.3–0.4 cm, cylindrical. Flowers c. 1.3 mm diam., with 6 free tepals and 6 stamens. INFRUCTESCENCE with numerous berries, mostly born towards the bottom of the spadix; fruit 10–15 × 10–11 mm, ellipsoid- to bottle-shaped, ripening deep scarlet, with prominent basal chartaceous tepal remains and a large stigmatic remnant; seeds not observed.
Malesia: endemic to and widespread in the Philippines.
Lowland to hill, primary to secondary rainforest.