Pothos repens (Lour.) Druce
Lianas, medium sized to very large, to 15m, root-climbing. Stems weakly 4-angled or slightly compressed terete in cross section, to 20mm in diam. Leaves paler abaxially, bright to deep green adaxially; petiole oblong-obovate-lanceolate to linear-oblong, 50–200 × 5–25mm, broadly winged, base decurrent, apex truncate, slightly auriculate; each side with 2 or 3 barely differentiated primary veins running parallel to midrib and numerous parallel to subparallel and reticulate veinlets, primary and larger secondary veins reaching petiole tip and there curving inward to merge with leaf blade/petiole junction; leaf blade ovate to elliptic or triangular-lanceolate, 20–80 × 10–20mm,base rounded to truncate, apex subacute to acute, briefly tubular-mucronate; primary veins 3(–5), ± parallel, arising from base reaching tip of leaf blade. Inflorescences solitary to several together, congested or spaced along a leafy to naked branching system to 2m; peduncle curving to spreading, slender, 3–8 × 0.5–2mm; terminal part erect, green. Spathe strongly reflexed at anthesis, greenish with margins stained purple, narrowly elliptic, 20–70 × 3–6mm, margins recurved to reflexed, base briefly decurrent, apex apiculate to shortly filiform. Spadix stipitate; stipe erect, greenish to purple, terete in cross section, 10–13 × 1–1.2mm; fertile zone yellow-green to off-white, narrowly cylindric, 40–80 × 2–4mm, sometimes strongly obliquely inserted on stipe. Flowers 1–2mm in diam. Infructescence with few berries. Fruit turbiniform to ellipsoidal, globose at maturity, 7–15 × 10–14mm.