Pothos versteegii (Araceae)
Slender hemi-epiphytic root-climbing liane. Shoot system well-differentiated into adherent, non-flowering and free, lateral flowering branches; eocaul and seedling not observed. LEAVES dull green, darker adaxially; petiole up to 6 × 1 cm when blade absent, otherwise very much reduced, 1/16 to 1/20 of the length of the blade, to 5 mm wide, flat and lamina-like, linguiform to narrowly lanceolate; blade 8–17 cm × 2–6 cm but very variable in size on a single shoot, narrowly ovate to oblong ovate to somewhat obovate, absent on early leaves of a sympodial module, tip somewhat acuminate, base tapering, acute to slightly retuse; primary lateral veins diverging from the midrib at c. 30–60°, intramarginal veins 1 or 2 (or 3) on each side, where more than one, the first arising near the base of the blade and running distally to the margin, the second arising about midway and running to the tip. INFLORESCENCE solitary (at any one time) on leafless, perennial, sympodial, repeatedly-flowering, condensed short shoots in distal leaf axils (these persisting after leaf fall and some inflorescences thus on otherwise naked stem), 1–4 per leafy flowering shoot, subtended by a series of cataphylls, the longest to c. 8mm long; peduncle to c. 2.5 cm long, slender, mostly rather abruptly upcurved near the base, deep purple. Spathe 2–3 × 4–5 mm, ovate, reflexed, tip mucronulate, creamy white to yellowish. Spadix sessile, c. 4 –7 × 3–4 mm subspherical to ovoid, creamy white to yellowish. Flowers c. 1.5 mm diam, with 6 free tepals and 6 stamens. INFRUCTESCENCE with 1–6 berries; fruit c. 3.5 mm × 3 mm, small, subglobose to ovoid, minutely beaked, red when ripe; seeds not observed.
Malesia: endemic to New Guinea (recorded rather sporadically and not in eastern parts of Papua New Guinea).
Lowland to upper hill rainforest.