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Pseudohydrosme buettneri Engl.
LEAF unknown. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 1 1/4 in. long, not very thick, concealed by the surrounding cataphyllary leaves, the innermost of which are about 4-5 in. long, 1 in. broad, strap-shaped or oblong-lanceolate, acute. Spathe about 2 1/2 ft. long, convolute for about 3 in. at the base. Spadix 3 in. long, about 7 lin. thick, cylindric, obtuse, densely covered with flowers and staminodes or neuter organs; female part about 1/2 in. long; male part 3/4 in. long; staminodal or neuter part 13/4 in. long. Ovary subglobose; style short; stigma subglobose, slightly 2-lobed. Anthers connate in pairs, sessile, subquadrate; connective dilated at the apex beyond the cells, truncate, angular, faintly 2-lobed, smooth? Staminodes cuneate-oblong, sub-clavate, convexly subtruncate.