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Rhaphidophora laichauensis Gagnep.
Lianas. Stem 1–2cm in diam., internodes 3–4cm, branched. Petiole ca. 30 cm, sheathing; pulvinus ca. 15mm; leaf blade broadly ovate, ca. 35 × 25–30cm, leathery, base truncate in outline, pinnately divided; pinnae 3 or 4 on each side, linear-oblong, ca. 14 × 3–4cm, apex falcate-truncate with ascending falcate tip, with 1 or 2 equally parallel costae, sinuses almost reaching midrib. Peduncle 15–18cm × ca. 5mm. Spathe yellow, 10–11.5cm. Spadix sessile, cylindric, ca. 11 × 1.5–2cm. Ovary hexagonal-cylindric, apex truncate; stigma sessile, circular. Berry many seeded. Seeds spotted, oblong, fusiform, ca. 2 × 0.7mm.