Rhaphidophora megaphylla
Deciduous herb to 0.6 m tall. Subterranean stem a subglobose tuber, 3–5 cm across × 2–3.5 cm high, cream. Pseudostem 25–30 × ca 2 cm at base, pale green or magenta. Cataphylls to 30 cm long, similar in colour to the pseudostem; petiole 20–25 × 1 cm at the base, similar in colour to the pseudostem, with faint pink stripes in the upper part; leaf blade trifoliolate; leaflets 20–25 × ca 15 cm, margins entire, apex acuminate, ending in a short arista, 0.5 cm long, subsessile or shortly petiolulate, dark green, glossy above, underside paler with slightly raised veins; central leaflet broadly elliptic-ovate, base convex or cuneate; lateral leaflets asymmetrical, ovate, base convex. Inflorescence held slightly above the foliage; peduncle 20–30 cm long × ca 6 mm wide, similar in colour to the petiole; spathe tube cylindrical, 6–7 × 1.5–2 cm; spathe limb ovate-lanceolate, 7–10 × 3.5–4 cm, acuminate; spadix appendix long exserted from the spathe at anthesis, cylindrical, 8–15 cm long × 4–6 mm across at base, sessile, ending outside the tube in a carmine, long, filiform and pendulous tail covered with filiform, dark carmine, bristly projections, these ca 25 mm long; fertile zone staminate or bisexual, 2–3 cm long; staminate flowers loosely arranged, 2–4-androus, anthers carmine, on short stalks; thecae dehiscent by elongate pores; pistillate flowers loosely arranged; ovaries ovoid, green; stigma penicillate, on a short style. Infructescence on an erect peduncle, subcylindrical, ca 2.2 × 1.8 cm; fruits densely packed, ovoid, red, 3–4 mm wide. Seeds globose, ca 1–2 mm diam.
N Thailand, N Laos, N Vietnam, SW China (type).
Evergreen forest or mixed deciduous lowland to montane forest, on granite and limestone. 680–1000 m asl.