Anthurium clathratum Sodiro
Stem thick, ascending; internodes short, nevertheless about 3 cm thick; cataphylls papery, broadly lanceolate, finally weathered into fibers, 1.5-2 dm long. LEAVES: Petiole decidedly thickened at the base, briefly sheathed, cylindrical, 0.8-1.2 dm [8 - 12 cm] long; geniculum 2.5-3 cm long, canaliculate adaxially; blades papery, deep green above, rugose, all veins decidedly protruding below, reticulate, somewhat rotund-ovate, deeply cordate at the base, short-acuminate at the apex, 4-9 dm [40 - 90 cm] long, 4-8 dm [40 - 80 cm] wide, basal lobes equalling 1/5 of the anterior, retrorse, semiorbicular, connivent; sinus parabolic; primary lateral veins of basal lobes 2, with 2 interlobar [veins] joined into largely naked small posterior ribs in the sinus, the majority or all together with the lateral veins of the anterior lobe 2-3 cm apart, joined in a collective vein barely 2-3 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle shorter than petiole; spathe lanceolate, narrowed upward from the base, soon reflexed; spadix (hitherto scarcely juvenile) to 1.8 dm [18 cm] long, attenuate gradually from below.