Lasia spinosa
Evergreen herb to 1 m tall. Subterranean stem a rhizome, 1–2 cm diam. Cataphylls sheathing separately petiole and peduncle, 1–25 cm long; petiole to 60 cm long; leaf blade pedate; leaflets 5(–7), oblong-elliptic, 13–16 × up to 6 cm wide, margins entire, apex acuminate, ending in a short arista, ca 1 cm long; central leaflet with a petiolule to 6 cm long; lateral leaflets shortly petiolulate, external ones asymmetrical, green. Inflorescence overtopping the foliage; peduncle to 85 cm long, carmine; spathe tube slightly funnel-shaped, ca 6 × 2.5 cm near the mouth, light yellow-green; spathe mouth margins with broad auricles, 1.5–2.5 cm wide; spathe limb ovate, ca 11 × 4 cm, light green, tip acuminate, ending in a short thread; spadix appendix protruding from the tube, but shorter than the spathe, 6–8 cm long, thin, sessile, lower part conical, ca 5 mm wide, covered with many, green, flexuous bristles, 3–18 cm long, and with short purple bristles just above the fertile zone; fertile zone staminate or bisexual; staminate flowers 3–4-androus; anthers stalked; thecae dehiscent by an elongate pore; pistillate flowers, infructescence and fruits unknown.
Widespread throughout tropical Asia from southern India and Sri Lanka eastwards as far as New Guinea and north to southern China. For discussion of typifications see Hay, Blumea 33: 427–469. 1988.
Open wet areas in deciduous and evergreen forest, along rivers and in ditches; frequently remaining after land clearance; on a variety of substrates but not recorded from limestone.
The emerging leaves and inflorescences are used locally as a green vegetable (recorded by several collectors).