Stenospermation Schott
Epiphytic or rarely terrestrial; caudices rooting at the nodes, short or moderately elongate, slender to stout. LEAVES distichous; petioles moderately long, prominently sheathed, geniculate at apex; blades oblong to oblong-elliptic or lanceolate, moderately coriaceous to subcoriaceous; midrib narrowly sunken on upper surface, often marginally discolorous, prominently raised on the lower surface; primary lateral veins inconspicuous, often scarcely visible, scarcely more prominent than the primary lateral veins when dried, often drying weakly raised and appearing numerous, straight or weakly arcuate to the margin and not f(orming a collective vein. INFLORESCENCES erect, shorter than the leaves, the peduncle usually cernuous near apex, later erect; spathe usually white, moderately coriaceous to coriaceous, promptly deciduous, usually naviculiform and cuspidate at the apex, convolute or nearly so at base; spadix sessile or stipitate, usually uniform, white.Flowers perfect and naked; stamens 4, the filaments complanate, abruptly narrowed at apex into a slender connective, about as long at the ovary but never exserted; anthers with thecae oblong-ovoid, acute, dehiscent by lateral slits that do not reach the base of the cell; ovary obpyramidal to prismatic, truncate at apex, 2-celled, ovules four or more per cell, collateral, anatropous; style short, thicker than the ovary, stigma linear-oblong, slightly raised. INFRUCTESCENCES with fruits scarcely enlarged from the pistils, baccate, obovoid; seeds 3 or more per cell, clavate-cylindric, slender, with a thick testa; endosperm copious.