Anthurium crassifolium N.E.Br.
Stem shortened; cataphylls lanceolate, almost 1 dm [10 cm] long. LEAVES: Petiole rounded abaxially, canaliculate adaxially, margins acute [or with acute margins], about 2.5 dm [25 cm] long; geniculum 1.5 cm long; blades coriaceous, deep green above, paler beneath, brown glandular-dotted, 2-2.5 dm [20 - 25 cm] long, half as wide below, 9-12 cm wide, ovate-lanceolate, or elliptic-ovate, obtuse at the apex, minutely apiculate, broadly cuneate at the base, midrib and latera1 veins sunken above, midrib convex above, acute below; primary lateral veins 6-7 pairs, far apart, ascending at an acute angle (about 40 degrees), joined into a robust collective vein, [the vein] coming up from the base, almost the entire length, chiefly at the bottom, far from the margin [broadly distant], another col1ective vein in the third or fourth lower part ante-marginal then marginal, all the veins decidedly prominent, below. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle almost equalling petiole, somewhat terete; spathe reflexed, elliptic-oblong, acute, about 5 cm long, 1.5-1,7 cm wide, pale green; spadix sessile, cylindrical, 4.5 cm long, 6-7 mm diam..