Steudnera griffithii (Schott) Hook.f.
Stem creeping, 10–20cm, 3–10mm in diam. Petiole 25–30cm; leaf blade strikingly white glaucous abaxially, pale green adaxially, ovate-oblong, 10–25 × 6–15cm, base emarginate or shortly 2-lobed, apex acute or cuspidate. Peduncle ca. 12 cm. Spathe reflexed, yellow-green on both surfaces, brown-purple below middle inside, 7–10 × 2.8–3cm. Spadix 2–3.5cm; female zone 15–25 × 1–2mm, ca. 2/3 of length adnate to spathe; ovary without staminodes; stigma entire; some sterile flowers on distal part of female zone; male zone cylindric, ellipsoid, 5–6mm. Berry yellowish green, broadly obovoid-cylindric, apex with persistent stigma, 1-loculed. Seeds 4–12.