Stylochaeton angolensis (Araceae)
LEAVES appearing after the flowers. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 1 in. long, surrounded by 4 membranous bracts 2/3-1 in. long. Spathe-tube 11/4 in. long, cylindric; limb 3/4 in. long, 1/2 in. broad, expanded, oblong, shortly acuminate, blackish-purple inside. Spadix a little shorter than the spathe-tube. Female flowers about 10, in two cycles. Perianth 1/2 lin. long, cupular, purplish. Ovary free, subglobose; style 1 lin. long, exserted; stigma oblique, shield-like, Male spike interrupted at the base, dense. Perianth saucer-shaped. Filaments of the stamens shorter than the shortly ovate anthers.
Stigma oblique, shield-like; filaments of the stamens shorter than the anthers.
Lower Guinea. Angola: Pungo Andongo: growing among bushes near streams between Quilanga and Catete,