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Stylochaeton grandis N.E.Br.
Rhizome 1 cm or more thick. LEAVES 1-3, glabrous; petiole 8-10 cm long; basal sheath c. half to 3/4 total petiole length, forming a pseudostem; blade ± ovate in outline, 10-20 x 6-11.5 cm, truncate to broadly cuneate or subcordate at the base, acute at the apex. INFLORESCENCE appearing before the leaves, at or near ground level, subsessile. Spathe with tube c. 7.5 x 1.3 cm, cylindric; limb ovate, c. 2.5 cm long, apiculate, with oblique opening. Spadix shortly protruding from the mouth of the spathe, c. 9 cm long; male part separated from female part by a 2 cm wide sterile zone. Male flowers with 1-3 stamens, filaments filiform; perianth divided almost to the base into 3 obtuse lobes. Female flowers c. 9, in one whorl.