Stylochaeton hypogaeus (Araceae)
Rhizome horizontal, about 1/2 in. thick, fleshy, with thick fleshy simple roots. LEAVES 5-8 to a plant, contemporary with the flowers; petiole 3-6 in. long, yellowish-green spotted with purplish-violet, the sheathing part subterranean; blade hastate or hastate-sagittate, as long as the petiole; front lobe oblong-lanceolate, acuminate; basal lobes somewhat spreading, oblong acute, about 1/3 as long as the first lobe. INFLORESCENCE: Spathe very shortly pedunculate, arising from the rootstock by the side of the leaves, 2 in. long; tube subterranean, cylindric, slightly inflated at the base; limb ovoid, acute, with a narrow mouth on one side. Spadix shortly protruding from the mouth of the spathe. Female flowers 6-9 or more (in one cycle?), adnate to the base of the spadix, connate. Perianth adnate to the apex of the ovary (?), with a short free oblique urceolate limb. Ovary inferior (?); style moderately slender, much exserted, erect, "articulated" (thickened) below the middle. Fruit subterranean, consisting of the connate ovaries, fleshy, included in the dilated base of the spathe.
Inflorescence and leaves present at the same time; spathe 2 inches long.
Upper Guinea. Senegambia: on sand-hills, in the districts of Cayor, Oualo and Cape Verd, Leprieur.