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Stylochaeton lancifolius Kotschy & Peyr.
Plant erect on a vertical rhizome, 10-15 mm thick; numerous adventitious roots, in clumps, ca. 5 mm thick. LEAVES appearing after flowering; petiole 10-32.5 (-40) cm, sheathed up to 3/4 of the length, sheath very wide at the base, intermingling with bracts accompanying the petioles; leaf blade sagittate to cordate at the base, apex broadly acute, rarely rounded, ± mucronate; in young state base entire, rounded, subtruncate or subcordate; anterior lobe, 10-17 (-27) x 5-13 (-16) cm, oblong-lanceolate, elliptic to oblong-elliptic; posterior lobes, 2-8 x 1.5-6 cm, deltoid obtuse, triangular or suborbicular; 4-6 pairs of palmate veins, ascending, not all reaching the apex and forming a prominent and irregular network with the secondary veins. INFLORESCENCE with only one peduncle, almost underground, 2-6.5 cm long, surrounded by generally longer bracts; spathe almost equal to the peduncle, 3-6 cm, long-tubed, acuminate at the apex, violet; spadix, generally exserted; male flowers numerous, of 3-6 stamens, borne by a cup-shaped perianth; female flowers separated from the male flowers by a smooth space of ca. 5 mm; 4-5 ovaries on only 1 verticil, each being located in an urceolate perianth where part of the style emerges; base of the perianth ± joined together; ovary unilocular; numerous anatropous ovules, with a long funicle. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries appear globose.