Stylochaeton milneanus (Araceae)
Rhizome ± horizontal, 0.5-1 cm. thick. Cataphylls up to 8 cm. long, pubescent-villous with weak white hairs, pale green with purplish speckling, upper part very broadly auriculate with undulate margins, convolute around petiole forming a broadly spreading spiral flange, apex emarginate with terminal, 1-3 cm. long, sagittate, long-stipitate projection. LEAF solitary, subtended by several cataphylls; petiole 15-26 cm. long, green to reddish purple, basal sheath short, inconspicuous, enclosed within cataphylls; blade broadly triangular in outline, sagittate to sagittate-hastate, 18-23 cm. long, 10-25 cm. broad, lower surface ± sparsely pubescent with weak white hairs, more densely pubescent on veins, apex acute to obtuse, with 0.5-0.7 cm. long terminal apiculum, basal lobes separated by oblong to broadly parabolic sinus. INFLORESCENCE appearing before the leaves, subtended by several cataphylls; peduncle 1.5 cm. long. Spathe 11-13 cm. long, pale green and densely pubescent on outer surface; basal tube erect, 3.5-5 cm. long, upper part cylindric, 1-1.2 cm. in diameter, lower part greatly inflated, depressed-globose, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, 2-3 cm. in diameter; apical limb ovate-elliptic, margins somewhat revolute, 6-8 cm. long, 2.5-3 cm. broad, inner surface somewhat thickened, smooth, green- to primrose-yellow, apex with 1-1.6 cm. long, subulate, twisted apiculum. Spadix 5 cm. long, projecting somewhat from mouth of spathe-tube; staminate part cylindric, 3.8-4 cm. long, 0.8 cm. thick, ± contiguous with pistillate part; pistillate part hemispherical, 1-1.2 cm. long, 1.1-1.3 cm. broad. Staminate flowers with 4-5 stamens; perigons ± congested, more distant towards base, rhomboid, margins massively thickened, conspicuously rugose; filaments filiform; central pistillode cylindric-conic with acute apex, longitudinally rugose, usually projecting somewhat above perianth-margins. Pistillate flowers 13-14, spirally arranged; perigon subregular, 4-6-sided, massively thickened and mealy on upper surface; ovary subglobose, rugose on upper surface, 1-locular to incompletely 2-locular; ovules 4-5 on single, intrusive, parietal placenta; style cylindric, white, 3 mm. long; stigma capitate to subdiscoid, 1.5-2 mm. broad. INFRUCTESCENCE: Fruit unknown.
S. milneanus is closely related to S. salaamicus, differing mainly in shoot and cataphyll morphology. Terminal projection of cataphyll stipitate and sagittate; petiole-sheath short, inconspicuous, enclosed within cataphylls; leaf-pubescence ± sparse with weak hairs.
Tanzania (T3-6)
Brachystegia woodland.