Stylochaeton puberulus (Araceae)
LEAVES probably contemporary with the flowers; petiole 12-14 in. long, sheathing for 1/4-1/3 of its length, puberulous in the lower part, marked with pale spots; blade as broad as long, very broadly sagittate or hastate, glabrous above, puberulous on the midrib, veins and veinlets beneath; front lobe 5-10 in. long, 41/2-9 in. broad, broadly ovate or deltoid-ovate, subacute, with a subulate point 3-4 lin. long; basal lobes 31/2-8 in. long, 2-61/2 in. broad, ovate or elliptic-ovate, obtuse, overlapping or widely spreading. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 2 1/2-4 in. long, puberulous. Spathe and male part of the spadix not seen. Female flowers about 30, in several spirals, only seen in young fruit, free, horizontal. Perianth apparently cupular, about 1 line deep. INFRUCTESCENCE: Young fruit flat at the apex, scrobiculate and puberulous; stigma sessile.
The puberulous leaves and ovaries distinguish this from all the other species of the genus.
Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique
Deciduous bushland, Brachystegia woodland (on termite hill), wooded grassland.