Typhonium blumei (Araceae)
Underground part a broad and flattened rhizome, to 5 × 2.5cm, to 1.8cm high, producing numerous small, fusiform offsets. Petiole green, 20–40cm; leaf blade pale green abaxially, green adaxially, entire, cordate-hastate, ovate or deltoid in outline, 7–10 × 7–9cm, terminal lobe ovate, basal lobes ovate to deltoid. Inflorescence appearing alongside leaves; peduncle pale green, 9–11cm. Spathe convolute at base, green, ellipsoid to ovoid, 1.6–4cm × 8–15mm, distinctly constricted at apex; limb spreading, inside greenish purple to dark purple, ovate, 12–18 × 4–5cm, long cuspidate. Spadix erect, subequaling spathe; female zone conic, 1.5–3mm, 3–4mm in diam. at base; ovary cream-colored; stigma sessile, reddish or pale pinkish; sterile zone 1.7–4cm, proximal 7–8mm covered with densely congested staminodes, rest naked, terete; staminodes ascending or variously curved, yellow or basal part reddish, narrowly fusiform, ca. 4mm; male zone 4–9mm; stamens yellow, sub-sessile; anthers orange; appendix narrowly conic, 10–13cm, proximally corrugate, distally smooth, tapering to sharply acute apex, base truncate or obliquely truncate, usually with a stipe 5–7mm. 2n = 52.
This material was reprinted with permission from the Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, and Science Press, Beijing.
This material was reprinted with permission from the Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, and Science Press, Beijing.
Croplands, grasslands, between rocks.