Anthurium cupreonitens Engl.
Stem climbing? LEAVES: Petiole sulcate above, geniculum tumid, ca. 1.5 cm long. Blade elongate-cordate, coriaceous, obscurely green, coppery and glossy above, ca. twice as long as wide, 50 - 80 cm long, 24 - 40 cm wide, posterior lobes three times shorter than anterior lobe, semi-reniform, separated by an oblong-ovate sinus which is closed distally, inner margin introrse, changing into the elongate-triangular, cuspidate anterior lobe, basal primary lateral veins 4 on each side, joined into basal ribs denuded for 1.5 - 2 cm in the sinus, 3 directed retrorsely, arching towards the margins and running out into the margin, one spreading and turning upwards near the margin, and together with an erect-spreading basal vein and 6 - 7 parallel primary veins of the midrib, joining into a collective vein 5 mm distant from the margin. INFLORESCENCES: Spathe more than 20 cm long, 6.5 cm wide, narrowing upwards from the lower third. Spadix with a stipe 5 cm long, 15 cm long, 9 mm thick, distally somewhat narrowed.