Typhonium taylorii A.Hay
Minute deciduous geophyte. Corm c.lcm diam., subglobose (teste S.M. Taylor). Leaves c.4 together; petiole c.1 cm long above ground, presumably sheathing in the underground portion; leaf blade (known from photographs only) subdeltoid to elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, entire, c.15 x 9mm to 4.5cm x 6mm. Inflorescence solitary, accompanied by a leaf (further leaves apparently produced later); peduncle 2mm diam., entirely subterranean. Spathe c.6.5cm long, lower 1.5cm tubular and subterranean, the tubular part bluntly spindle-shaped, 5mm wide at the middle, divided into two chambers by an annular septum c.2/3 of the way from the base: interior of lower chamber minutely hairy; interior of upper chamber smooth; apex of spathe tube abruptly curved over so that opening is horizontal; spathe limb 5cm long, very narrowly lanceolate, in the lower c.3mm somewhat flared around opening of spathe tube and c.4mm wide, then strongly reflexed and tapering to c.1.5mm wide. Spadix sessile, 7.5cm long; female zone a single whorl of acroscopic pistils; ovary cylindric, c.l.5mm tall, c.0.7mm thick, unilocular with one basal orthotropous ovule; stigma subsessile, separated from the ovary by a very short constriction, shortly cylindric, about as thick as the ovary; sterile interstice c.7mm long, in the lower spathe chamber bearing filiform neuter organs c.4-5mm long, these suberect, in the distal 2mm fully outwardly reftexed and mostly appressed against the wall of the spathe chamber, the distal c.1mm of the interstice naked, passing through the hole in the spathe septum; male zone c.3.5mm long, the base level with the distal side of the spathe septum, c.l.5mm thick, with about 25 sessile anthers; appendix filiform, exceeding the spathe by about 1cm, c.lmm diam. at base, very gradually tapering, at base deflected more or less horizontally to project forward from spathe tube mouth. Infructescence unknown.