Xanthosoma Schott
Terrestrial; caudex tuberous and subterranean or growing over the surface of the ground and rooting at the lower nodes, the apical portion erect, stout; sap with white latex; petioles amplexicaule, conspicuously sheathed at the base, subterete above the sheath, moderately spongy; blades moderately thin; sagittate, hastate, trisect or pedatisect; midrib sunken above, prominently raised below; primary lateral. veins of the blades or their segments spreading toward the margins, forming several collective veins; tertiary veins conspicuous. INFLORESCENCES 1-several per axil, much shorter than the leaves; spathe convolute at base, tube usually green, sometimes tinged along the open margin with purple, constricted somewhat above the tube; tube mostly ellipsoid, persistent after anthesis; the blade moderately thin, usually white naviculiform at anthesis, promptly deciduous after anthesis; spadix shorter than the spathe, divided into pistillate and staminate portions; the pistillate portion basal, cylindric, densely many-flowered, slightly tapered toward the apex, green to bright orange; staminate portion clavate, usually several times longer than the pistillate portion, slightly constricted above the sterile portion at the base; sterile staminate portions with irregularly shaped sterile staminate flowers, these usually elongated in the direction of the axis. Flowers unisexual, naked; staminate flowers irregularly 4-6-sided, the stamens 4-6, connate to form an obpyramidal truncate synandrium; anthers with thecae obversely oblong-triangular or oblong, opening at the apex of the connective by a short slit; ovaries oblong, to ovoid, coherent by the thickened annuliform styles, 2-4 celled; ovules several or numerous, anatropous; stigma discoid or hemi-spheric-discoid, 3-or 4 lobate. INFRUCTESCENCES with berries cylindroid, 3-4 celled; seeds many per locule, ovoid, shorter than the funicles, testa sulcate.