Anthurium cutucuense
Hemiepiphytic or epiphytic (occasionally terrestrial) vine, growing to 8 m; stem smooth, 1-2 cm diam.; internodes elongate, 2-10 cm long, 1 cm diam., reddish with green spots (sometimes dark green), semiglossy; cataphylls 8-13.3 cm long, persisting at upper nodes as fibers with fragments of epidermis intact, narrowly rounded at apex with very slender, 1.5-2 mm long, subapical epiculum. LEAVES with petioles 14-54.5 cm long (averaging 27.3 cm), red to dark purple, densely pale green speckled (sometimes pale green mottled red to densely red punctulate) weakly glossy, terete, narrowly and weakly to deeply sulcate, punctate; blades trisect, the segments elongated and narrow, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, strongly bullate, dark green and matte-subvelvety above, sometimes shiny, metallic blue-green, paler green to silvery green and matte below; medial segment lanceolate, slightly longer and wider than lateral segment, acuminate at apex, acute at base, 15-50 cm long, 8-22 cm wide (averaging 29.1 x 14), 1.3-2.8 times longer than wide (averaging 2.1), .8-1.3 times longer than petiole, averaging about as long as petiole; lateral lobes lanceolate, falcate, acuminate at apex, acute at base, nearly equal, 11.4-42.5 cm long, 1.3-5.9 cm wide (averaging 26.1 x ???3.0); midrib (of both medial and lateral segments) acute and bright red to deep red concolorous, deeply sunken above, narrowly to acutely raised and semiglossy, red, rose or purple below, thicker at base, becoming narrower towards apex; primary lateral veins extend at 90° angle from midrib, quilted-sunken above, narrowly convex and pleated-raised below; collective veins arising from the base, 0-1 mm from the margin, as prominent as primary lateral veins, sunken above, raised below; tertiary veins in part raised and concolorous on both surfaces. INFLORESCENCE. Peduncle 19-36.5 cm long (averaging 25.8 cm), dull lavender, pale green or reddish with dull green, red or purple mottling, flattened, weakly and broadly sulcate; spathe 10-12.5 cm long (averaging 10.8), 10-21 mm wide (averaging 12.8 mm), dull green to green suffused purple, reflexed; spadix 8.5-16.7 cm long (averaging 13.1 cm), 7-13 mm wide (averaging 10 mm), dull lavender to greenish purple. Flowers 6-7 visible per spiral, 2.8-3.0 mm in both directions, purplish-spotted and inconspicuously pale granular; lateral tepals 2.5-2.8 mm wide, outer margin 3-sided, inner margin rounded. INFRUCTESCENCE. Spathe and spadix green at anthesis and in fruit.
Anthurium cutucuense is endemic to Ecuador occurring in Morona-Santiago and Zamora-Chinchipe at elevations of 1,542 to 3,000 meters in Montane moist forest and Montane wet forest.