Anthurium davidsoniae (Araceae)
Usually terrestrial, rarely epiphytic; stems elongate, less than 1 cm diam.; internodes short at apex, longer in lower portion of stem; cataphylls moderately thick, to 12 cm long, drying reddish-brown. LEAVES ± erect; petioles shallowly sulcate with sharp marginal ribs adaxially, 13-27 cm long, 2.5-3.5 mm wide; blades ovate to narrowly ovate, ± chartaceous, usually conspicuously bullate, 15-23 cm long, 9.5-15.5 cm wide, long-acuminate at apex, shallowly and broadly lobed at base; the upper surface pale green, the lower surface slightly paler; the midrib narrowly raised; primary lateral veins 10-12 per side, sunken, straight or weakly arched to collective vein; collective vein arising from the first or second basal vein, 6-8 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCE erect, shorter than leaves; peduncle 9-19 cm long; spathe lanceolate, pale green, 3-5 cm long, 5-10 mm wide; spadix pale yellow-green, 2-4 cm long, 5-7 mm diam. at base, 2-3 mm diam. at apex; flowers rhombic to 4-lobed, 2.3-2.7 mm long, 2.7-3 mm wide: 3-5 flowers visible in the principal spiral, 4-7 flowers visible in the alternate spiral; tepals matte, lateral tepals 1-1.2 mm wide; pistil emergent, green; stigmas exserted, brushlike; stamens emerging but may retract (not evident on dry specimens). INFRUCTESCENCE with spadix 3.5-6 cm long; berries greenish-yellow; mesocarp syrupy; seeds obovoid, yellow-green, darker at apex with numerous raphide cells visible on the surface.
Costa Rica, western Panama, Colombia and the Delta Amacuro state of Venezuela.
Premontane rain and lower montane rain forest.