Anthurium denudatum Engl.
Stem assurgent, to 1 m long; internodes short; cataphylls fibrose-weathered, persistent. LEAVES: Petiole 6-7 dm [60 - 70 cm] long, mildly sulcate above; geniculum short; blades slightly thick, green, hastate-trilobate, almost 3 dm [30 cm] long and wide; posterior lobes 5-6 cm wide, spreading at about a 90 degree angle, subreniform, a little reflexed, extrorsely a little wider; anterior lobe semilanceolate, long-acuminate 3 cm, 8-9 cm wide at the base, narrowed upward; posterior ribs largely distant in an almost right angle sinus; secondary lateral veins departing from the middle midrib, about 15-20, ascending, about 3-4 departing from each posterior rib, reflexed; the remaining ascending, all joined near the margin in a collective vein a little distantly. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 2 dm [20 cm] long; spathe 7 cm long, 2 cm wide, oblong, long-cuspidate-acuminate 7-8 mm, becoming green from brown; spadix thick, cylindrical, a little attenuate toward the apex, stipitate; tepals almost 3 mm long; stamen sublinear; filaments 3.5 mm; anthers 1 mm long; ovary ovoid, 2 mm long, attenuate into style, [the style] conoid, equalling 1 mm; ovule hanging down by a short, densely hairy parietal funicle, [the ovule] attached near the apex of the locule, the outer integument twice as long as the inner.