Anthurium dolichophyllum Sodiro
Stem 3-4 cm diam., short-scandent; internodes very short; cataphylls linear-lanceolate, long-narrowed upward, 1.3-2 dm [13 - 20 cm] long, soon weathered into fibers. LEAVES: Petiole erect, rigid, subcylindrical, obtuse below, companulate adaxially, unisulcate; geniculum 3-4 cm long, to 1 m long; blades parchment-like, not at all wrinkled, deep green above, pale green below, long-sagittate, 8-9 dm [80 - 90 cm] long 3-3.5 dm [30 - 35 cm] wide; posterior lobes 1/6 as long as anterior, divergent, connivent at the apex; sinus reniform; primary lateral veins, all impressed above, sharply prominent below, keeled, velvety, 7-8 [veins] of the posterior lobes coalesced into largely naked ribs, reaching the margin in a mildly arcuate line; 3 interior [veins] together with interlobar and 25-30 more slender costal [primary lateral veins] of the anterior lobe, joined into a collective vein 1-2 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle shorter than petiole (2-3 dm [20 - 30 cm]) and more slender, rigid, mildly angled; spathe coriaceous, broadly lanceolate, inserted obliquely at the base, short-acuminate at the apex, many-veined below, at fructescence just a little shorter than spadix; spadix cylindrical, flexible, pendulous, 2.5-3 dm [25 - 30 cm] long, 2 cm diam., stipitate 1 cm; tepals 1/4 longer than wide. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berry oval-oblong, obtuse at the apex, green.