Anthurium dombeyanum (Araceae)
Terrestrial or epilithic, rarely epiphytic; stem 20-30 cm long, 2-6 cm diam.; roots dense (the root mass to 20 cm wide), greenish to pale reddish, grayish when dried, sometimes with raphide cells on the surface, elongate, blunt at apex, to 40 cm long, 4-10 mm diam.; cataphylls subcoriaceous, lanceolate, 5-25 cm long, narrowly rounded to bluntly acute at apex, pale green, drying brown, persisting semi-intact at upper nodes, otherwise as coarse linear fibers, sometimes with the apex remaining intact. LEAVES erect to spreading; petioles (3)l0-30 cm long, 5-18 mm diam., erect to spreading, D-shaped, slightly thicker than broad in juveniles and lacking the medial rib adaxially, sulcate in age with an obtuse to acute medial rib, rounded (rarely 1-2-ribbed) abaxially, the surface pale-speckled; geniculum slightly thicker and paler than petiole, 0.5-2.5 cm long; sheath 3-1 1 cm long, extending halfway or throughout the petiole in smaller leaves; blades subcoriaceous to thickly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate or narrowly obovate, often elliptic in smaller leaves, bluntly acute or acuminate at apex (the acumen minutely apiculate), long-attenuate to obtusely rounded or subcordate at base, (10)40-190 cm long, (2)l0-35 cm wide, broadest above or near the middle, the margins flat in smaller leaves or markedly undulate especially in larger leaves; upper surface glossy to semiglossy, dark to medium green, occasionally developing a bluish, glaucous covering with age, lower surface usually semiglossy, rarely matte, concolorous or paler than upper surface; midrib above acutely raised, below obtusely ribbed at base, becoming acutely angled in upper ? and then convexly rounded toward the apex, paler than surface or concolorous with it; basal veins usually present and aggregated in subcordate leaves, arcuate-ascending, free to base; primary lateral veins (7) 10-20(24) per side, departing midrib at (18)40-60(70)° angle, usually gently arcuate-ascending to within 1 cm of the margin, then abruptly ascending to the margin, convexly raised above; tertiary veins scarcely visible above, moderately to distinctly visible below, sometimes darker than surface, very weakly raised below or flat, drying raised and conspicuously visible; collective vein arising from near the base to near the apex, less prominent than primary lateral veins, sunken to weakly raised above, raised below, 2-10 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCES erect-spreading to spreading-arching, shorter than or almost equaling leaves; peduncle (15)30-65(90) cm long, 2-11 mm diam., (2)3-7(10) x as long as petiole, pale green, sometimes tinged with red-violet, green to dark brown when dried, subterete, sometimes 1-ribbed, flexible; spathe spreading to reflexed at anthesis, recurled, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, green, sometimes tinged with red-violet, speckled with raphide cells, linear-lanceolate, 7- 20 cm long, 1-3.5 cm wide, broadest near base, acute at apex, decurrent at base; spadix olive-green to grayish, becoming dark pink or maroon (B & K red-purple 2/2.5) to purplish at anthesis (B & K blue-purple 4/10), weakly to moderately tapered, rarely cylindroid, sessile to stipitate to 2.5 cm, ± erect, rigid, held at 130-180° angle from peduncle, 4-28 cm long, 4-17 mm diam. Near base, 3-11 mm diam. near apex, broadest near the base; flowers squarish to 4-lobed, to 3 mm long when fresh, 1.6-2.6 mm long when dried, to 2.5 mm wide when fresh, 1.4-2.2 mm wide when dried, the sides k straight to smoothly sigmoid; 4-14 flowers visible in principal spiral, 3-8 in alternate spiral; tepals matte; lateral tepals 1-1.6 mm wide, the inner margins tinged with pink, becoming purplish, broadly convex, the outer margins 2-4-sided; pistils scarcely emergent, green, with raphide cells; stigma oblong, slitlike, 0.4-0.6(1.0) mm long; stamens emerging irregularly from the base of the spadix in a scattered pattern, slightly exserted, lateral stamens emerging to midway, the laterals preceding the alternates by 5-18 spirals, inclined over and obscuring pistil; filaments tan, with raphide cells, exserted ca. 0.5 mm, 1-2 mm long, 0.6- 0.9 mm wide; anthers pinkish, 0.6-1.1 mm long, 0.5-1 mm wide, inclined over the pistil; thecae obovoid, scarcely or not divaricate; pollen pale orange to pale yellow fading to cream, yeasty scented. INFRUCTESCENCE semi-erect; spathe persisting; spadix 5-27 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm diam., with berries scattered throughout; berries violet-purple to reddish violet (B & K purple 3/10), obovoid, bluntly rounded at apex, 6-8 mm long, 5-6 mm diam.; pericarp with raphide cells; mesocarp pulpy, white; seeds 1-2 per berry, green, oblong, 3.5-8 mm long, 2.5 mm diam., with a gelatinous appendage at apex.
This species is recognized by its short-petiolate, coriaceous, usually markedly undulate blades, its long-pedunculate inflorescence with a moderately short-tapered, usually purple spadix, thick, green, lanceolate reflexed spathe and minutely papillate tepals with a more or less erose inner margin. Another feature common to most plants, despite their markedly variable blades (ranging from narrowly obovate to oblong-oblanceolate) is the primary lateral veins, which frequently extend nearly to the margin in an almost straight lime before turning markedly upward and extending along the margin and gradually merging with it.
Anthurium dombeyanum is an Andean species ranging from central Ecuador to southern Peru. Collections from Ecuador are from the provinces of Tungurahua and Loja (a somewhat aberrant collection is known from Morona-Santiago; see below), while Peruvian collections are represented from Amazonas and Cajamarca to San Martín, Huánuco, Pasco, Junín, and Cuzco.
Specimens from Ecuador ostensibly occur in lower montane moist forest to premontane moist forest life zones. In Peru, the species is present in lower montane and montane moist forest and premontane dry forest. The species occurs in seasonally dry habitats and often inhabits rocky or extremely precipitous sites, with low night-time temperatures.