Zantedeschia aethiopica (Araceae)
Plants glabrous up to 60 cm tall (sometimes up to 2,5 m under trees). LEAVES evergreen, up to 60 cm long; petiole green; blade usually immaculate, characteristically more or less spreading and leathery, varied in shape but usually broadly ovate-cordate or hastate, 15-20 cm long, 10-15 cm broad at the base, apex obtuse or acute, the length of the blade above the basal lobes usually less than twice the width. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 30-60 cm long, green, glabrous, triangular in cross-section, 2,5 x 2 cm at base. Spathe about 15 cm long, 12 cm broad, ivory-white inside, bright green at base outside merging into white upwards, longitudinally veined, folded from slightly below the insertion of the spadix into a wide-mouthed funnel, limb obliquely spreading, ending in a green recurving 2 cm long apiculus. Spadix sessile, male zone about 7 cm long, anthers bright yellow, 1,5-2 mm long, 1-1,5 mm broad with 2 pores, pollen white; female zone about 1,8 cm long, ovaries interspersed with numerous mushroom-shaped staminodes; ovaries about 4 mm long, globose, grooved, pale yellow-green grading to whitish at the tip, tapering to a short style 1,5 mm long, 3 locular, each locule with 1-4 ovules. INFRUCTESCENCE: Fruits numerous 1,2 cm long, 1-1,2 cm in diam. across the top, green at first, becoming soft and orange coloured at the base and greenish at the apex when ripe, tapering to a triangular base with a short persistent style at the apex, seeds 1-12.
Robust evergreen plant up to 60 cm high, without a dark purple area at the base of the spathe inside; the ovaries are interspersed with staminodes; and the limb, which is consistently ivory-white is broad and widely spreading backwards. In typical plants the spadix is bright yellow. Petiole smooth, without bristles; female flowers interspersed with staminodes.
See also Singh, Y., van Wyk, A.E. & Baijnath, H. (1995). Know your arums: an easy guide to identfy members of the genus Zantedeschia. Veld & Flora 81: 54 - 55.
Native to South Africa in Provinces : Limpopo, North-West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Swaziland, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Western Cape, Eastern Cape
Plants of this species grow in marshy depressions