Anthurium salgarense Croat
Terrestrial on steep rocky banks; internodes short, to ca. 5 cm diam.; cataphyll fibers reddish brown, persisting semi-intact, coarsely fibrous especially at base, 20-22 cm long. LEAVES with petioles erect-spreading, terete, 122-151 cm long, 1.51-1.57 times longer than blades, 1.7 cm diam. near base, 1.2-1.3 cm diam. near middle, 0.9-1.1 cm diam. at point of attachment with geniculum, brittle (snapping when being bent sharply), pale green (same color as abaxial side of leaves), smooth; geniculum 2.6-3.5 cm long, wider than petiole, 1.4-1.6 cm diam, same color, shape and texture as petiole; blades broadly ovate-sagittate, 81-96 cm long, 30-40 cm diam., 2.4-2.7 times longer than wide, widest about 5-10 cm below petiole attachment, margins undulate, apex acute, convex, subcoriaceous, weekly glossy above, glossier below, dark green above, much paler below; anterior lobe 50-60 cm long, somewhat convex at the margins, posterior lobes imbricate, 32.5-38.5 cm long, 27.5-37.5 cm wide; sinus obovate, 25-35 cm; major veins raised and paler than surface on both sides, greenish-yellow, narrowly rounded above, bluntly acute below, becoming more acute toward margins; basal veins 10-11 pairs, the first free, the remaining to some extent coalesced, the 5th pair coalesced to 10 cm, 6th-10th coalesced to 13 cm, further branched toward margin; posterior ribs 9-13 cm, prominently ascending near margins; midrib convex at base, narrowly midway, acute-rounded at apex above; primary lateral veins 12-14 per side, arising at 45-55° angle from midrib, first 6-7(8-9) free to margin, prominently ascending near margin; secondary veins in part sunken above; tertiary veins prominulous below; collective veins arising from the 6-8th lateral veins, about 1 cm from margin, loop-collecting the primary lateral veins. INFLORESCENCE erect-spreading, about as long as the leaves; peduncle 124-153 cm long; spathe spreading-reflexed, green, 13-18.5 cm long, 2.5-7 cm wide near base, gradually tapered to apex, the margins markedly undulate; spadix yellow-green (B&K 612.5), becoming dark green with paler pistils, finally brown, to 34.7 cm long, 10 mm diam. at base, 7 mm diam. near middle, 5 mm diam. at 1 cm from apex, prominently stipitate, stipe 5-11 cm long; flowers 7-9 per principal spiral, 2.4-2.7 mm long, 2.0-2.2 mm wide; tepal minutely papillate, matte, embedded with thick subcircular pale inclusions visible at lOX magnification; lateral tepals 1.3-1.5 mm wide, broadly triangular on outer margin, straight on inner margin; stamens forming a tight circle, nearly all contiguous, anthers 0.4 mm long, 0.6 mm wide; thecae ovoid.