Arisaema lihengianum J.Murata & S.K.Wu
Plants to 50cm tall, monoecious or male. Rhizome creeping horizontally, purplish to brownish outside, red-purple inside, subcylindric, to 13 × ca. 4cm, branching. Cataphylls to 20cm, some encircling peduncle directly. Leaf 1, expanding simultaneously with inflorescence; petiole purplish brown, mottled with green, to 30cm, lacking pseudostem; leaf blade 3foliolate; petiolules 3.5–4.5cm; leaflets subequal in size, to 25 × 15cm; central leaflet oblong-elliptic, base rounded-cuneate, apex acuminate and caudate; lateral leaflets oblique. Peduncle 11–20cm. Spathe tube white or pale green, narrowly funnel-form, 4.5–6 × 7–9cm when opened; limb proximal half white, distal half dark red-purple, narrowly deltoid to narrowly deltoid-ovate, 15–20 × 5–6.5cm, apex acuminate. Spadix bisexual after sex change; female zone 20–30 × ca. 10mm; female flowers green, bottle-shaped; male zone 10–20 × ca. 8mm; male flowers basically white; appendix sessile, 13–16cm, slender, exserted from throat of spathe and pendulous, proximally white, distally dark red-purple, throughout with numerous filiform neuter flowers 3–5cm.