Arisaema sizemoreae Hett. & Gusman
Seasonally dormant herb. Tuber depressed globose, to 5 cm in diam., to 3 cm high, gradually budding off depressed globose offset tubers. Shoot unifoliate, flowering shoots with a pseudostem; pseudostem 6-12 cm long. Petiole 15-35 cm long, 0.3-1 cm in diam., smooth, pale olive green to mid green, base with a brownish hue, free part of petiole up to 26 cm long; lamina trisect; central leaflet petiolulate (petiolule 1-4 cm long, 2-5 mm in diam.), elliptic-ovate, 6.5-18 cm long, 3.5-12 cm wide, base not decurrent, top subacuminate-aristate (arista 4-8 mm long), margin thinly chartaceous, irregularly minutely crenulate-serrulate, upper surface glossy green, sometimes variegated with a mosaic of mid green and pale green (only found on one lateral leaflet). Peduncle as petiole, thin, terete, 14-28 cm long, 2.5-4 mm in diam., lower 3-10 cm sheathed; spathe ovate elliptical, 7-11 cm long, 3.5-5 cm in diam. (limb), base convolute, 1.5-2.5 cm, tubular or slightly widening at the top, base of the tube with a distinct, slightly expanded annulus, limb broadly expanded, not auriculate, largely obliquely erect or hooded but upper part reflexed, triangular, top acuminate-aristate, outside base pale green, annulus whitish, inside whitish green, limb outside pale green, inside as outside but the basal half paler in the centre. Female spadix sessile, 5 cm long; female part subcylindric, slightly tapering to the top, 1.5 cm long, 0.8 cm in diam. at the base, 0.7 cm at the top, flowers congested; appendix 3.5 cm long, 4 mrn in diam. at the base, lower 2/3 terete, then quickly tapering to the filamentous top, lower 1 cm with staminodes, these distant, middle part naked, upper part dissolving into numerous staminodes, these quite closely set, apex filamentous, acute; lower staminodes slightly clavate, curved upwards, rarely downwards, 0.5-2 mm long, base decurrent, white, top obtuse; upper staminodes bristle-like, tapering to the top, 3-10 mm, green, top acute. Male spadix sessile, 3.5-4 cm long; male part sturdy, 1.7-2.2 x 0.4-0.5 cm, lower flowers distant, irregularly placed, upper flowers more congested; appendix short, 1.5-1.8 cm long, entirely consisting of fleshy bristle-like staminodes, these ca. 4 mm long, 0.5 mm in diam., bases decurrent or over a larger distance fused to the main body of the appendix, upper staminodes entirely fused with appendix, appearing as costae, top of appendix acute, surface pale green to yellowish green. Ovaries 2 mm long, 2 mm in diam., angulate, top broadly conical, bright glossy dark green, unilocular, 4 basal ovules; style ca. 0.3 mm long, 0.5 mm in diam., pale white-green, stigma subhemispheric or slightly depressed, strongly pencillate, ca. 0.6 mm high, ca. 1 mm in diam. Male flowers consisting of 1-3 stamens; filaments short or entirely fused to the spadix axis, 0.1-0.3 mm long; anthers consisting of two thecae; thecae subglobose to ellipsoid, entirely free, dirty orange brown, opening apically with an elliptic to slit-like pore.