Pothos laurifolius (Araceae)
Rather slender, heterophyllous(?), root-climbing liane. Shoot system differentiated into free lateral flowering and adherent non-flowering branches; eocaul and seedling not observed. LEAVES mid- to deep green, paler to sub-glaucous abaxially, stiffly chartaceous, drying greyish green with a whitish abaxial caste; petiole 7–7 × 0.3–0.4 cm, rather stout, clasping stem expect for prominent apical geniculum sheath prominent, extending to base of geniculum, clasping basally, ligulate apically; blade 17–20 × 6–8.2 cm, ovate to elliptic, base subacute to obtuse, apex attenuate-mucronate, minutely apiculate; primary lateral veins arising at almost 90°, intramarginal veins 2 per side, the outer intramarginal vein remaining very close and parallel to margin, inner intramarginal vein c. 10–15 mm distant from margin. INFLORESCENCES erect, subtended by cataphylls, several in sequence on elongated shoots arising from below the axils of distal leaves; peduncle 1–1.5 × 0.2–0.3 cm, stout, erect, dark purple-green. Spathe 1.72 × 0.7–1 cm, ovate-lorate, spreading to reflexed, base minutely cochleate on the peduncle, apex acute, apiculate, dark purple, stiffly glossy-leathery. Spadix sessile, 2–2.5 × 0.3 cm, cylindrical, white. Flowers c. 1.3 mm diam., with 6 free tepals and 6 stamens. INFRUCTESCENCE with few berries; fruits c. 10 × 7 mm, ovoid-ellipsoid, ripening red; seeds not observed. — Fig. 38, 39.
Malesia: endemic to Borneo (Brunei Darussalam; known only from Labi district).
Primary lowland alluvial forest on sedimentaries, (only recorded from one specimen).