Typhonium jinpingense
Perennial herb, seasonally dormant, rhizome tuberous, irregularly cylindrical, brown, horizontal or erect, producing small gemmules and many filiform roots, 2–2.5 cm long, 0.7–1.0 cm diam. Leaves 1–3, petiole smooth, green, 10–17 cm long, 0.1 cm diam., sheathing below ca. 1.5–2 cm long; blade chartaceous, green, cordate, usually cordate-hastate or deeply cordate at base, 5–8 3 4–10 cm. Peduncle about 1 cm long. Spathe: tube ovoid, pale green, dark purple at the top, 1.5 cm long, 0.5 cm diam.; the blade narrowly lanceolate, chalky-white but dark purple at base, 11 cm long, 1 cm wide below the middle, spreading and slightly arching, the apex long-acuminate but not twisted. Spadix ca. 14 cm long, pistillate portion ca. 0.5 cm long, greenish, the style short, stigma dark purple, sterile portion ca. 0.4 cm long, densely covered proximally, erect, yellowish, clavate rudiments, with naked interstice to 2 cm long; staminate portion to 0.5 cm long, densely congested, yellow; terminal appendix cylindrical, erect, purple, ca. 10 cm long, 2 mm diam., sessile and not swollen at base, with very strong odor. Flowering from the end of April to August.
Haec species Typhonio blumei affinis, sed spathae tubo ovato, 1.5 cm longo, 5 mm diam., pallide viridi inferne, atropurpureo superne, lamina angusta, lanceolata, 11 cm longa, medio 1 cm lata, basi atropurpurea, cretacea supra basin, florum sterilium rudimentis clavatis, chromosomatibus 2n = 10 differt.
The chromosome number was counted in more than 15 somatic cells, and the karyotype analysis was carried out in 1 good cell. The karyotype of the new species is described in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 2. The chromosome number in somatic cells is 10, and the karyotypical formula is 2n = 2x = 10 = 2m+2st+6sm. This species is a diploid. The length in somatic mitotic cells ranges from 2.9 mm to 6.1 mm, while the relative length of the chromosomes ranges from 6.5 to 13.2. The ratio of the longest chromosome (No. 1) to the shortest one (No. 10) is 2.04. The percentage with Long Arm/Short Arm .2:1 is 80%. The karyotypical asymmetry belongs to the 3B type.
Known only from Jinping County, southeastern Yunnan, China, in wet fields and roadsides by streams, altitude 1000–1550 m.