Anthurium acebeyae Croat
Epiphyte; internodes 1 - 2 cm long, 1.7 cm diam.; cataphylls 11 - 15 cm long, dark brown persisting semi-intact with apex remaining intact and pale fibers showing toward the base, sometimes forming an almost completely fibrous network. LEAVES: Petioles 30 - 54 cm long, about half as long as blades, subterete, narrowly, obtusely and shallowly sulcate, semiglossy, medium green, drying dark brown to blackened. Leaf blades triangular-sagittate, 41 - 54.5 x 23 - 28 cm, 1.7 - 2.2 times longer than wide, deeply lobed at base, acuminate at apex, subcoriaceous, medium to dark green and semiglossy above, slightly paler and glossier below, drying dark green to dark brown above, yellow-green to yellow-brown below; posterior lobes 11 - 16.5 x 8 - 10 cm, usually directed downward, sometimes somewhat outward; anterior lobes straight to broadly concave; basal veins 6 to 8, 1st pair free to base, 2nd pair sometimes free to base, 4th and higher order pairs coalesced 5 - 6 cm; posterior rib naked for 2.5 - 5.5 cm; midrib narrow, slightly paler and bluntly acute above, paler and narrowly rounded-raised below, drying concolorous or slightly darker than surface, sometimes acute above, darker or lighter than surface below; primary lateral veins 8 to 10 pairs, arising at 30° - 50° angle to midrib, weakly quilted-sunken and concolorous above, narrowly raised and slightly paler below; tertiary veins mostly not raised, drying darker than surface. INFLORESCENCE erect; peduncle 23 - 39 cm long; spathe green, 8.5 - 15 x 1.1 - 1.5 cm, reflexed-spreading; spadix 7.5 - 22.5 cm x 4 - 9 mm, stipitate for 3 - 20 mm, medium to dark green, semiglossy. Flowers 1.8 - 2.2 mm long, 7 to 9 visible per spiral; lateral tepals 0.9 - 1.0 mm wide, inner margin rounded, outer margin 2-sided; anthers 0.4 x 0.6 mm; pollen white.