Anthurium dussii Engl.
Stem thick, shortened; cataphylls more than 1 dm [10 cm] long, slightly thick. LEAVES: Petiole compressed laterally, broadly and deeply canaliculate above; about 1/5 as long as blade (about 5-6 cm long); geniculum about 6 mm long, thick; blades coriaceous, bright green on both sides, narrowed from the middle toward the base and the apex somewhat equally, subacute at the base, acute at the apex, about 3.5 dm [35 cm] long, 8-9 cm wide at the middle; primary lateral veins about 12-15 pairs, ascending, joined in a collective vein in the middle of the blade about 1 cm from the margin; another antemarginal vein 2 mm from the margin accumbent upward from the marginal vein; secondary lateral veins (nervis) and primary lateral veins (venis?) a little more slender than primary veins. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle half as long as the blade (about 3 dm [30 cm] long); spathe lanceolate, acuminate, short-decurrent at the base, 1.2 dm [12 cm] long, about 1.2 cm wide; spadix elongate, stipitate 3-4 mm, about 1.2 dm [12 cm] long, 6-7 mm diam. at the base, mildly attenuate upward from the middle, dark purple; tepals scarcely longer than wide, about 1.5 mm long, dark purple; ovary ovoid.