Anthurium eichleri (Araceae)
Stem shortened. LEAVES: Petiole scabrous (or rough), 1/4-1/5 as long as the blade, about 0.5-1.5 dm [5 - 15 cm] long, 6-7 mm diam., a little compressed laterally, convex at the back, deeply sulcate above; geniculum tumid, compressed laterally, 1.2 cm long, 8 mm thick; blades coriaceous, dark green, narrowly lanceolate, more long-narrowed toward the apex, gradually narrowed at the base, contracted a little above the geniculum, adult 6-7 dm [60 - 70 cm] long, to 7 cm wide above the lower third; primary lateral veins numerous, ascending, etched (or sunken) above, a little prominent below, joined in a collective vein in the lower part of the leaf further from the margin (literally more largely distant from the margin); another collective vein ascending from the base in the lowest sixth part of the leaf, antemarginal in the middle and above (or upwards) about 0.7-1 cm away from the margin, then marginal. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle about 3 times longer than the petiole (about 3 dm [30 cm] long); spathe linear, acuminate, 4-8 cm long, 6-14 mm wide; spadix sessile, 11/2 times longer than spathe, 4-8, rarely 12 cm long, 4-5 mm diam., dark purple.
Brazil. Prov. Rio de Janeiro, toward Petropolis, in the vicinity of Santo Antonio.
On the ground in forests.