Incarum E.G.Gonç.
Geophytic herb. Stem hypogeous, tuberous, globose to subglobose. Leaf solitary, erect; petiole with very short sheath, leaf blade pinnatipartite, venation reticulate. Inflorescences solitary or in pairs, appearing before the leaf, erect at anthesis; peduncle longer or a little shorter than the petiole; spathe erect, weakly differentiated into tube and lamina, lower part convolute; spadix adnate to the spathe in the basal portion of the female zone; female flowers densely arranged, male zone with no sterile flowers in basal portion. Flowers diclinous, naked; male flowers (synandria) 2-3-androus, anthers subsessile, only fused at base, thecae subglobose, dehiscing by an apical longitudinal slit; pollen inaperturate, gemmate, ± globose to ellipsoid; female flowers surrounded by 4-6 obpyramidal free staminodes strongly papillate at apex, overy ovoid, 4-5-locular, each locule with a single orthotropous ovule, placentation basal. Infructescence partially covered by the remaining spathe, berries densely arranged, fleshy, seeds with smooth testa, endosperm copious.