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Philodendron pedunculum Croat & Grayum
Planta terrestris, repens; internodia 1-1.5 cm longa, 0.8-1(-2) cm lata, fusco-viridia; petiolus 16-19 cm longus; lamina anguste ovata vel ovato-elliptica, (13.5-)20-22 cm longa, (5.5-)10- 12.5 cm lata; nervis primariis lateralibus 5-10 utroque; pedunculus (18-)21-23 cm longus, 7 mm latus, pallide viridis; spatha 13.5-16 cm longa, viridis ad fusco-viridia; spadix c. 8 cm longus, luteus ad luteo-brunneus in sicco; pistilla pallide viridia; fructus pallide luteus. Terrestrial, creeping over ground in dense stand; stem repent; internodes 1-1.5 cm long, 0.8- 1(-2) cm in diam., dark green, semiglossy to glossy. Leaves with petioles 16-19 cm long (averaging 17 cm), matte to weakly glossy or semiglossy, dark green and semiglossy, fully sheathed to within 4-6 mm from apex, sheath inturned, pale green tinged with pink and semiglossy inside free portion; geniculum sharply sulcate; blades narrowly ovate to ovate-elliptic, (13.5-)20-22 × (5.5-)10-12.5 cm (averaging 22 × 12.3 cm), 1.8 times longer than wide, abruptly and inequilaterally acuminate at apex, prominently inequilaterally attenuate at base, markedly inequilateral with one side 1-2 cm wider than opposite side, subcoriaceous, dark green and weakly glossy to matte-subvelvety above, moderately paler and matte below, drying grey to dark grey-brown above, dark yellow-brown to grey or greyish yellow below; midrib flat to obtusely sunken and concolourous above, bluntly angular and concolourous below; primary lateral veins 5-10 per side, weakly quilted-sunken and concolourous above, bluntly angular and pleated to convex and darker below, drying flat to concolourous above, weakly raised and darker than surface below, departing midrib at an acute angle then sweeping across blade at 35° angle; interprimary veins present between most pairs of primary lateral veins, conspicuous and flat on both surfaces; minor veins moderately obscure on drying. Inflorescence solitary, erect with peduncle (18-)21-23 cm long, 7 mm in diam., pale green, weakly glossy; spathe 13.5-16 cm long, (2.5-)3-3.2 cm wide near base, 2 cm wide near apex, 3.3 cm thick on tube, medium to dark green, weakly glossy to semiglossy outside, much paler green and glossy inside; spadix 8-10 cm long, 2.2 cm wide at anthesis, drying medium yellow to pale yellowish brown; pistillate portion 3.5 cm long, 1.8 cm in diam.; staminate portion 6 cm long, 7 mm in diam. midway, narrowly tapered to apex; sterile staminate portion 1.3 cm in diam.; pistils pale green to pale yellow, 1.4-1.6 mm in diam., drying pale brown; stigma broadly sunken with a thickly raised margin, medium dark yellow-brown, 0.5-0.9 mm in diam.; berries pale yellow.