Anthurium palacioanum Croat
Rupicolous; stems short; internodes short, ca. 1 cm diam.; roots moderately few, drying 1.5 mm diam.; cataphylls to 5.5 cm long, light reddish brown, intact with pale fibers at base, apparently deciduous; LEAVES erect to spreading; petioles 16-19 cm long, drying ca. 3 mm diam., terete, slightly longer than the blades; geniculum 1.5 cm long, as thick as petioles; blades subcoriaceous, epunctate, ovate-rhombic, 13.5-18 x 9.5-12 cm, gradually acuminate at apex, broadly obtuse to almost truncate at base, drying greenish to grayish yellow-brown above, gray-green to pale yellow-brown below; midrib and basal veins moderately raised on drying; basal veins 3-4(-5) pairs, all free to the base or sometimes with the lowermost fused 5-7 mm to the adjacent pair of basal veins; primary lateral veins 4 pairs per side, arising at 25-30° angle; collective veins arising from the 1st basal vein, sometimes weakly loop-connected with the 2nd basal vein. INFLORESCENCE held slightly above the leaves; peduncle robust, 31 cm long; spathe green, oblong-lanceolate, erect-spreading to reflexed, 4.3 cm long, ca. 1 cm wide, narrowly acuminate, inserted at an acute angle; spadix 4.7 cm long, stipe 1.5 mm long, spadix proper 3.2 cm long, drying 6 mm diam., white to cream, tapered to a blunt apex. Flowers ca. 4 per spiral, 1.4-1.7 X 2.0-2.2 mm; tepals with a few raphide cells; lateral tepals 1.6 mm wide, the inner margin broadly rounded. INFRUCTESCENCE not seen.