Arisaema muratae Gusman & J.T.Yin
Plants to 1m tall and 50cm in diam. Tuber green and brown outside, subcylindric, ca. 5 × 5–6.5cm, with short globose offsets. Cataphylls olive-green or pink with dark and pale transverse markings, to 50cm. Leaf usually solitary; petiole similar in color and pattern to pseudostem, cylindric, to 80cm, proximally forming pseudostem to 40 × ca. 3cm, green with cream-colored stripes and transverse vermillion markings; leaf blade radiate, with up to 11 segments; leaflets subsessile or shortly petiolulate, glaucous abaxially, shiny green adaxially, elliptic, 20–25 × 6–7cm, base cuneate, margin undulate, green, entire or serrate, apex long acuminate; veins deeply impressed adaxially. Inflorescence emerging when leaf unfolds and carried beneath foliage; peduncle olive-green, flushed pink and pruinose apically, to 55cm, shorter than petioles, ca. 1cm in diam. at base. Spathe tube carmine outside with longitudinal pale stripes, with white ring at base and yellow-green near throat, yellow-green inside with dotted purple stripes mainly in proximal half, cylindric, broadly recurved at throat margin, to 8 × ca. 1.8cm, at middle ca. 1.2cm in diam.; limb horizontal, slightly translucent, yellow-green with paler veins both outside and inside, yellow at apex and turning carmine at tip, lanceolate, ca. 5 × 4cm, shorter than tube, acuminate into tail to 15cm. Spadix unisexual; female zone slightly conic, 2–3 × 1–1.5cm; ovaries dense, pale yellow-green, bottle-shaped, 1-loculed; ovules ca. 3, basal, fusiform; stigma sessile, white, penicillate; neuter flowers absent or few in male spadix, numerous in female, located just above fertile part, upcurved, stiff, ca. 5mm; male zone cylindric to slightly conic, 4–5.5 × 1–1.3cm; synandria dense, each consisting of 2–4 anthers, stalked; thecae purple proximally and carmine distally, dehiscent by elongated pores; pollen blue; appendix sessile, slightly protruding from spathe tube, whitish with carmine longitudinal stripes, obscurely crimson and wrinkled at apex, cylindric, clavate, 4–5cm in male spadix, 5–6cm in female, ca. 4mm in diam. at base, ca. 7mm in diam. at apex. Infructescence borne on upright peduncle, cylindric, ca. 10 × 4cm; rachis pale pink. Berries dense, red-orange, ca. 14 × 8mm, distally rounded and smooth, up to 3-seeded. Seeds globose, ca. 6mm in diam.; testa gray.