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Schismatoglottis jepomii P.C.Boyce & S.Y.Wong
Facultative rheophytic herb to c. 45 cm tall, forming large clumps. Stem condensed, epigeal, pleionanthic, c. 8–10 mm diam., to c. 6 cm long (usually less); foliage leaves many together, each subtended by submembranous, later papery linear dark brown (when dry) cataphylls to 5 cm long; petiole 10–14 cm long, slender, terete, sheathing only at very base; sheath very shortly and truncately ligular; leaf blades spreading to erect, lanceolate, somewhat brittlecoriaceous, glossy mid- to dark green adaxially, concolorous or frequently with irregular jagged or cloudy paler green or creamy grey blotched along the midrib, abaxially paler, the base cuneate, the tip long-acuminate and terminating in a 2–5 mm long tubular mucro, 8–25 x 1–5 cm; venation more or less obscure adaxially; midrib flattened-raised adaxially, usually drying with a more or less conspicuous narrow central channel adaxially, abaxially prominent; primary lateral veins, c. 14 on each side of midrib, alternating with scarcely lesser interprimaries and diverging at c. 35°; secondary venation more-or-less obscure forming a weak reticulum, tertiary venation not visible. Inflorescences (solitary to) clustered in groups of up to four, smelling pungently of acetic acid; peduncle moderately robust, much shorter than the petiole c. 2 cm long and hardly emerging from the subtending cataphyll. Spathe white, c. 9 cm long; lower spathe ovoid basally becoming slender cylindrical above, c. 5 cm long; limb elongate-ovate, gaping at female anthesis then crumbling and falling, distinctly incurved ventrally, c. 4 cm long, apically stiffly mucronate for c. 3 mm, soon crumbling-caducous. Spadix sessile, stout, lower part cylindrical, distally weakly elongate-clavate, c. 4 (lower part) to 6 mm (upper part) diam., ventrally curved, slightly shorter than the spathe, c. 7 cm long; female zone c. 5 mm long, slightly conical, obliquely inserted but otherwise entirely free from the spathe; pistils crowded; ovary squatoblong, c. 0.75 mm diam.; style distinct, c. 0.5 mm long; stigma minutely papillate, as wide as the style; interpistillar staminodes scattered throughout the zone, clavate, c. 0.5 mm diam.; male and female zones contiguous; male zone c. 2.5 cm long, cylindric; stamens truncate, partly confluent apical pores; appendix sub-cylindric, c. 3.7 cm long, weakly elongate-clavate, blunt-tipped, composed of columnar trapezoid to triangular staminodes. Fruiting spathe with the lower part broadly ovoid.