Typhonium baoshanense Z.L.Dao & H.Li
Underground part a short tuberous rhizome, irregularly shaped, ca. 3 × 2cm, developing several small globose offsets with leaves. Petiole greenish, 8–14cm, smooth; leaf blade 2–10 × 2–10cm, variable, ovate, hastate or sagittate to 3-lobed, deeply cordate at base, apex acute; lateral lobes (when present) ovate-oblong, ca. 4.5 × 3cm. Inflorescence appearing with leaves; peduncle whitish, hidden in soil, 1.3–4.5cm. Spathe pale green outside, ca. 18cm; tube ellipsoid, ca. 2 × 1.5cm; limb convolute at base, purple on both surfaces, margins and apical part pale green, lanceolate, to 15 × ca. 3cm, tapering to apex. Spadix sessile, as long as spathe or slightly longer, 18–20cm; female zone conic, ca. 5mm, ca. 7mm in diam. at base; ovary yellowish, ovoid; stigma brown; sterile zone to 2.5cm, basal part with staminodes, rest naked, terete; staminodes yellow, fusiform, 3–4 × ca. 1mm, obtuse; male zone cylindric, ca. 5mm, ca. 3mm in diam.; stamens yellow; anthers subsessile; appendix dark purple, filiform, ca. 14.5cm, ca. 3mm in diam. at base, base with 2 verticils of dysfunctional stamens; sterile male flower at base of appendix subglobose or fusiform, without pollen; anthers yellow; connective purple. 2n = 10*.