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Arum megobrebi Lobin, M.Neumann, Bogner & P.C.Boyce
Seasonally dormant slender herbaceous plant to 40 cm tall. Shoots usually with only two leaves and beginning growth in early spring. Stem a horizontal rhizomatous tuber, 3.5-5 cm long and (1-)1.5-2 cm in diam., brown outside, not clump- forming and always growing solitary; roots on apical part of tuber. Petioles (18-)19-30(-40) long, 2-3 mm in diam. above and 3-4 mm below, flattened on upper side, green to reddish tinged or red, especially on lower part; sheath 6-9(-12) cm long and to 5 mm wide. Leaf blades ± sagittate to hastate (somewhat variable), 7-13(-17) cm long and 5-8(-10) cm wide, apex acute and only rarely obtuse, basal lobes obtuse to acute; venation reticulate, midrib strong, 4-5(-6) primary lateral veins on each side and each of the lowermost ones running into the basal lobes, then divided shortly from the midrib, primary lateral veins forming an inner collective vein 3-5 mm from the margin, veins of second order thinner between the primary and forming a net, outer collective vein much thinner and very close (0.3-0.4(-0.5) mm) along the margin, third order veins very thin, reticulate and anastomosing. Inflorescence solitary, foul-smelling. Cataphylls (4-)6-12(-18) cm long, membranaceous. Peduncle (5-)6-12(-15) cm long and 2-2.8 mm in diam., terete, rarely green but mostly reddish to red, shorter than petioles. Spathe (10-)12-15(-17) cm long, constricted, outside greenish to whitish green, inside the same colour, margin often reddish, or outside and inside purplish tinged (some specimens); (lower) tube convolute, (1-)1.5-2 cm long and 1-1.5 cm in diam., inside whitish and with a broad ringlike purple zone or nearly completely purple, constriction 0.8-1 cm in diam.; limb 8-14(-15) cm long and 2.5-3 cm wide in the middle, apex acuminate. Spadix much shorter than spathe, 8-10 cm long; female zone 0.7-0.8 cm long and c. 0.5 cm in diam.; sterile flowers between female and male flowers in 2 circles or rows, this zone c. 2 mm long; male zone c. 0.4 cm long and 0.4 cm in diam.; sterile flowers above male flowers in c. 3 spiral rows and this zone c. 3 mm long; appendix elongate-cylindric (not stipitate and never strongly clavate, only rarely very slightly clavate), (5-)6-8 cm long and 2-3 mm in diam., smooth, purple. Flowers unisexual; female flowers ± ovoid, 1.8-2 mm in diam.; ovary greenish (light coloured), stylar region purple, stigma discoid, 0.5-0.6 mm in diam.; male flowers with stamens c. 0.5 mm long and wide, purple, thecae opening by a very broad slit, pollen yellow, pollen grain inaperturate, spherical, 28-29 μm in diam., exine spinose, spines short and broad at base, c. 1 μm long, surface of exine granulate; sterile flowers of both zones of the same structure, bulbous at base and ending in a long filiform part, bulbous base c. 1 mm in diam., greenish to reddish, thread-like part to 5 mm long and deep purple. Infructescence with (13-)19-21(-25) orange-red berries; peduncle of infructescence 4-5 mm in diam. (measurements from fresh material), green; spathe dried and fallen completely by fruiting stage, only sometimes small remnants of it at the base of the infructescence. Berries somewhat irregularly depressed-globular to ± obovoid, with brown stigma remnant (this slightly sunken apically on the berry); fully developed berries 7-8 mm in diam., with only 1 or 2 seeds. Seed ellipsoid to ovoid, 4.5-5.5 mm long and 4-5 mm in diam., light brown, with a strophiole at the hilum and usually very slightly pointed at the micropyle; testa strongly rugulose-reticulate, hard, 0.8-1 mm thick (basally always somewhat thicker); endosperm copious, white; embryo small.