Cercestis kamerunianus (Engl.) N.E.Br.
Plant climbing to 1.5-5 m above the ground; Anchor roots 2.5-5 cm, twisted in the terminal portion of the stem which bears the the leaves and inflorescences, a few leaves scattered on the internodes; Stem 2-2.5 mm thick when dry, becoming more vigourous, 4-5 mm at the terminal extremity bearing the inflorescences; Internodes long, 8-10 cm. LEAVES: Petiole 1/3-1/2 blade length, (2.5-) 7.5-10.5 cm, occasionally almost as long; sheath confined to the extreme base of the petiole, 0.5 cm; Blade (6.5-) 16-23.5 x (4-) 7.5-9.5 cm, oblong-elliptic, narrowed towards the base, base very shortly cordiform to subtruncate, apex acute or shortly acuminate; Primary veins 5-6 pairs, reunited by a network of secondary veins, dotted when dry; rarely translucent dashes in the parenchyma, visible enough on the Type; some sparse miniscule circular excressences on the lower surface of the blade. INFLORESCENCES terminal, 1-2, surrounded by bracts almost as long as spathe ± peduncle; Peduncles shorter than the petiole, 3-6.5 cm; spathe apex obtuse, 3.5-4.5 cm; spadix often exserted; Female zone ca. 1/3 length of male zone; ovary circular; stigma small in comparison with ovary; Ovule miniscule. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries subglobose.