Anthurium iltisii Croat
Epiphyte; stem moderately elongated; internodes 2-3 cm long, ca. 5 mm diam.; petioles 5.5-11 cm long, 1-2 mm diam.; blades oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate to oblong-elliptic, 17-39 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, 5.4-8.7 times longer than broad, 3 to 5.5 times longer than the petioles, narrowly long-acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, matte above, glossy below; primary lateral veins 10-14 pairs, obscure above, raised and prominent below, secondary veins forming conspicuous network below, less obvious above; collective veins arising from the base, 1 pair, 4-7 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCE with peduncle 10.5-16 cm long, ca. 1 mm diam.; spathe green, 3.5-6.5 cm long, 4-7 mm wide; spadix 4-9.5 cm long, .2-.5 cm diam., stipitate 3-13 mm, sometimes sessile. INFRUCTESCENCE spreading; berries red-violet or reddish maroon, oblongoid, ca. .4-1 cm long, .4 cm wide at base.