Anthurium samamaense
Terrestrial or hemiepiphytic; internodes 1-4 cm long; 1.5 cm diam. (drying 6-9 mm diam.), dark green, matte, soon grayish; cataphylls 12-13.5 cm long, drying reddish brown, deciduous; petioles terete, (32-)51-58 cm long, 1.0-1.3 times longer than blade, semiglossy, dark green, drying dark brown and semiglossy, obtusely ribbed; blades ovate-sagittate, (39-)46.5-55.5 cm long, (21-)28.6-32.7 cm wide, 1.7-1.8 times longer than broad, abruptly acuminate at apex (acumen 1.5-3 cm long), deeply sagittate-lobed at base, subcoriaceous, semiglossy to glossy, bicolorous, drying dark blackish brown and weakly glossy above, slightly paler, semi-glossy and dark yellowish brown below; major veins narrowly rounded and concolorous above, narrowly raised and paler below; anterior lobe 28-40.7 long, broadly rounded along margin; posterior lobes (11-)14-18 cm long, 7.5-13 cm wide; basal veins 5-7 per side, 1st and often 2nd pair free to the base, 4th & higher order veins coalesced to 3.7 cm; posterior rib naked 4-4.7 em; sinus spatulate to narrowly hippocrepiform, 11-14.5 em deep, 4.0-6.4 cm wide; midrib drying darker than surface, narrowly raised and bluntly acute above, bluntly angular below; primary lateral veins 3-4 pair, arising at 40-50° angle, drying darker than surface below; minor veins drying minutely wrinkled on both surfaces; collective veins arising from the 1st or 2nd pair of basal veins. INFLORESCENCE erect; peduncle 16.5-19.5 cm long, pale green, drying dark brown, 3 mm wide; spathe whitish, linear-lanceolate, reflexed-spreading, 11-13 cm long, 1.1-1.5 cm wide, abruptly acuminate, drying drying dark blackish brown; spadix 11.5-25 cm long, 6 mm diam., narrowly long-tapered, dark violet-purple, matte; flowers 12-13 visible per spiral, 1.6-1.8 mm long, 1.2-1.3 mm wide on drying; lateral tepals .8-.9 mm wide, minutely papillate and matte, outer margins 2-3-sided, inner margin broadly rounded; stamens held at the level of the tepals, the lateral stamens emerging throughout the full length of the spadix before the alternate pair begins to emerge.
Anthurium samamaense is Endemic to Ecuador, known at present only from the type locality on Cerro Samama in Los Rios Province, at 450-700 m in Premontane wet forest life zone.