Anthurium simonii
Description based upon herbarium material. Herbaceous terrestrial, rupicolous,ombrophylous and semi-heliophilous. STEM erect; internodes extremely short, 0.3-0.6 cm long; cataphylls membranaceous, rose to reddish when young, becoming castaneous to brownish, intact, lightly decomposed to decomposed at apex, castaneous, weekly persistent and fibrous to caducous towards the base of the stem, 1.3-6.9 cm long; prophylls membranaceous, castaneous, lightly decomposed to decomposed at apex, castaneous, weekly persistent and fibrous to caducous towards the base of the stem, 1.5 cm long; sheath of petiole 0.8-4 cm long. LEAVES with petioles erect, greenish, reddish-green, rose, vinaceous, flattened to channeled, with carinate margins adaxially, acute to 4-5 carinate, rarely rounded abaxially 4.2-22.6 cm long; geniculum 0.4-1.2 cm long; blades arcuate, greenish discolorous, membranaceous in dried material, chartaceous in living material, lanceolate, more narrowed toward the base, apex acute to rostrate shortly apiculate, base generally long cuneate, with the basal extremity rarely subacute to frequently obtuse, 40.1-71.8 x 4.2-12.3 cm; midrib acute on both surfaces to carinate abaxially; prhnary lateral veins impressed adaxially and prominent abaxially, 13-23; collecting veins starting from the base of blade or above it, 0.3-1.1 cm away from the margin, rarely extending up to the margin. INFLORESCENCE with peduncle greenish-vinaceous, reddish, vinaceous, 1-carinate, 18-57 cm long; spathe greenish, greenish-vinaceous, rose, reddish, vinaceous linear-Ianceolate, 4.3-9.3 x 0.5-0.8 cm, decurrent 0.3-1.2 cm forming an acute angle with the peduncle; spadix reddish, vinaceous, castaneous-vinaceous, castaneous, brownish, cylindrical, 3.7-11.9 cm long, sessile; flowers eight in primary spiral and five to six in secondary; tepals culculate, anterior and posterior ones strongly concave ventrally and acute dorsally, lateral ones lightly concave ventrally and subobtuse to subacute dorsally, surfaces lightly rugose, 0.11-0.14 x 0.1-0.14 cm; androecium with stamens opposite the posterior and anterior tepals with filaments convex ventrally, funneling toward base, stamens opposite the lateral tepals with flattened filaments and parallel margins, anthers oblique to ovate, 0.17-0.18 x 0.03-0.08 cm, gynoecium with sessile, visible, ovary oblong, bilocular with one ovule per locule covered by a hyaline sticky substance and subapical placentation, 0.12-0.13 X 0.09 cm; berries purplish-black at apex and whitish to greenish-white toward base.
It is presently thought to be endemic to the state of Rio de Janeiro, with a greater concentration on the municipality of Paraty.
Having a terrestrial and rupicolous habit, this species is found in shady and humid forests, from sea level to ca. 600 m altitude.
Flowering is known during the months of April, May, June, July, August and December, fruiting in the months of November and December.