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Philodendron baudoense Croat & D.C.Bay
Hemiepiphytic or terrestrial; stem appressed-climbing or scandent; internodes matte to weakly glossy, 3–16 cm 3 6–20 mm, longer than broad, medium green to gray to light brown, drying gray-green, epidermis light tan, loose and cracking, drying with epidermis flaking off exposing olive-green stem underneath; roots several per node, drying reddish brown, epidermis flaky; cataphylls 6–15 cm, sharply 2-ribbed, rounded at apex, soft, medium green, drying light tan to medium olive-green, deciduous. LEAVES spreading to reflexed-spreading; petioles 5.5–14(–23) cm 3 5–8 mm (dry), obtusely flattened adaxially, broadly rounded abaxially, medium green, moderately spongy, dark green-lineate, drying medium olive-green; blades obovate to elliptic, subcoriaceous, acuminate at apex, subcordate at base, 25–43.5(–66) 3 7–14(–24) cm, (2.7–)3–4.13 longer than wide, (1.9–)3.6–5.8(–7.8)3 longer than petiole, broadest at or beyond middle, adaxial surface semiglossy, medium green to yellow-green, drying dull medium to dark olive-green, abaxial surface matte, paler, drying dull and paler; anterior lobe 25–42(–64) 3 7–14(–24) cm, 7.8–25(–58)3 longer than posterior lobe; posterior lobe 7–40 mm 3 1.2–5 cm, rounded; sinus V-shaped to hippocrepiform, 4–26 mm deep; midrib broadly convex at base becoming narrowly convex at apex and paler than blade, narrowly rounded abaxially, drying darker than blade on both surfaces; basal veins 3 pairs per side, all free to base, drying lighter than blade adaxially, darker than blade abaxially; primary lateral veins 5 to 13 per side, 3–5 cm apart, departing midrib at 40º–50º angles, sharply down-turned at midrib, curving upward to margins, drying lighter than blade adaxially, darker than blade abaxially; interprimary veins departing from the primary lateral veins near the base but otherwise mostly from the midrib, drying concolorous adaxially, darker than blade abaxially; minor veins obscurely visible. INFLORESCENCE erect, solitary; peduncle 1.5–8 cm, shorter than petiole, medium green, drying dark olive-green; spathe 7–18 cm, barely constricted; spathe blade 6– 8 cm, outside white, inside pale green with orange resin canals in upper 2/3; spathe tube 5–7 cm, pale to light green, outside minutely speckled, inside red-violet to dark burgundy in basal 1/3; spadix cylindrical, 9–12 cm; pistillate portion 2.5–4.5 cm 3 5–10 mm (dry); staminate portion slightly clavate, 6.5–8 cm 3 8–10 mm at widest point (dry); sterile staminate portion 8–15 3 5–7 mm (dry), narrower than pistillate or fertile staminate portion; pistils ca. 2.4 mm; ovary 5- to 6-locular, ovules with basal placentation, 1 per locule; sterile staminate flowers unknown. INFRUCTESCENCE unknown. JUVENILE PLANTS differ in having a deeply sulcate petiole and blades rounded or barely cordulate, drying pale green.