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Philodendron chrysocarpum Croat & D.C.Bay
Usually hemiepiphytic, occasionally terrestrial; stem appressed-climbing or scandent; internodes sometimes bluntly ribbed, 0.4–4 x 0.5–3 cm, longer than wide, yellow-green to dark green, sometimes tinged purple, glossy, drying smooth, with some transverse fissures, olive-tan to red-brown to brown; roots few to several per node, highly branched, glossy, red-brown, drying smooth, red-brown to medium brown; cataphylls 14–15.5 cm, sharply 2–ribbed, long-tapered and acute at apex, medium green, tinged purple, drying reddish brown, deciduous while intact. LEAVES erect to spreading; petioles (5.3–)6.5–9.5 cm x 2–4 mm (dry), deeply sulcate so as to appear sheathed in lower 1/3–2/3, terete toward apex, obtusely flattened adaxially, medium green tinged purple or red toward apex, drying dark, red-brown to brown; geniculum marked with a narrow (1–2 mm) purple ring at the apex, drying dark brown; blades elliptic, subcoriaceous, acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, 23.5–30 x 5–9 cm, 3.4–4.8(–5.2)x longer than wide, 2.6–3.8x longer than petiole; adaxial surface moderately glossy, medium green, somewhat bicolorous, drying glossy, reddish green or reddish olive-green, abaxial surface glossy and paler than adaxially fresh and dried; midrib broadly-raised and slightly paler than blade adaxially, bluntly acute to narrowly rounded and much paler than blade or purple abaxially; primary lateral veins more than 30 per side, departing midrib at 45º, obscure on both surfaces; all other veins obscure adaxially and abaxially. INFLORESCENCES erect, 1 per axil; peduncle 2–4 cm x 5–7 mm, shorter than petiole, yellowish green to dark green, drying dark red-brown; spathe long-tapered, outside dark yellow-green, striate toward base, inside greenish white with orange resin canals to within 2 cm of the apex, drying dark red-brown, only slightly constricted where the pistillate portion of the spadix ends, 12–19 cm long; spathe blade 6–9 cm; spathe tube 6.5–10; spadix cylindrical, 8–15.5 cm; pistillate portion green turning pale yellow at anthesis, 2–6 cm x 8–10 mm (dry); staminate portion white, 6.5–9.5 cm x 8–10 mm (dry); sterile staminate portion to 2.5 cm long, narrower than other regions at anthesis; pistils 6– 11 mm diam., ovary 5-locular, ovules with basal placentation, 6 to 8 per locule; sterile staminate flowers unknown. INFRUCTESCENCE with pistillate spadix ca. 8 x 2 cm (dry), berries globular, bright golden yellow-orange with red stigmas.