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Philodendron discretivenium Croat & D.C.Bay
Hemiepiphytic, rarely terrestrial; stem appressed-climbing or scandent over the ground; internodes weakly glossy, white-streaked, 2–12 x 1–5.5 cm, usually longer than broad, medium to dark green becoming brown, drying pale tan on older portion to reddish brown on younger stem, epidermis somewhat transversely fissured, drying loosely wrinkled and flaky; roots reddish brown, few per node, to 4 mm thick; cataphylls to 19 cm, unribbed, rounded at apex, pale-lineate, medium to dark green, drying olive-green, deciduous except for mushy basal part. LEAVES spreading; petioles 25–68.5 cm x 5– 10 mm (dry), terete, obtusely sulcate in lower 1/3, slightly flat toward apex, dark green, semi-glossy, finely pale streaked, drying dark olive-green to medium reddish brown to dark brown; geniculum 2– 5 cm, 1–3 mm wider than petiole, drying darker than petiole; blades ovate, coriaceous to subcoriaceous, acuminate at apex, deeply cordate at base, rounded at margins, 27–64 3 23–53 cm, 1.1–1.5x longer than wide, 0.6–1.3x as long as petiole; adaxial surface semiglossy to glossy, dark green, drying dull medium to pale olive-green; abaxial surface matte, paler than